See what the players are getting up to!

The Allstars is just not about the weekend its also the amazing fundraising the players and supporters do during the build up.  It ranges from sweepstakes, fun scrimmages, climbing mountains, long bike rides and the list goes on!!! So lets here about a few of these folk that go just that little bit further and really so some inspiring things! First up with caught up with Beth Thomas form team mental Health:

I thought it would be a great idea to arrange a skydive to raise money for mind. After trying to arrange it a few times due to the great British weather, I finally had my date confirmed with the weather looking spot on. 

I had to be at Swansea airport for 8am. It was a pretty cold but sunny day. I was kitted up by my instructor Fae who was brilliant from start to finish. He took me through all the safety checks as well as the freefall and landing positions. 



We made our way to the plane where the final checks to my harness were completed. We climbed 15,000ft then the door opened! I was second out of the plane. I had to tuck my legs under the plane whilst leaning out of the door. We were then falling at about 125mph for around 60 seconds. I had a tap on my shoulder which meant I could let go of my harness into the freefall position, with my arms out.



At around 5,000ft the instructor deployed the parachute at that point we were stuck in a cloud for around 1,000ft. He managed to get us out and let me take control of the parachute which was really cool. He had me pulling down on the left side which made us spin in circles. It was such a great experience and I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat. 



I managed to raise £400 for mind towards the skydive which I am so grateful for and can’t thank everyone enough. Raising money for mind and getting to play ice hockey with the mental health team has given me the opportunity to be part of such a great community and more importantly raise awareness for a charity close to my heart.