Defibrillator Fundraising Campaign

Defibrillator Fundraising Campaign

Following the events of the weekend we want to raise awareness and raise money for an additional defibrillator for the arena as a thank you and one for the event to have on the bench all weekend in case its required.

A defibrillator costs around £1.5k but really is priceless and should be in every ice rink/arena in the UK Sadly we are hearing stories from players that played on the weekend that when they have checked their local rink that there is not one on site. In one case there is not one within five minutes and the recommended minimum is there should be one within three minutes.


We were lucky as one was on site and the quick reactions as highlighted in the previous article.

If every All-star contributed £10, we would smash the target and any additional funds will go to any other campaign raising money for a unit for their rink.

Please help us to make every rink having a defibrillator a reality.


Go Fund Me Campaign

As well as the go fund me page Cross Check Clothing will be selling a Last Night An All-star save My Live tee-shirt  for £15  with all proceeds going to the campaign. Details on how you can order will be announced soon

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